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Minimap Modes

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:18 am
by Creator
Mini-Map Modes:
I have has some different mode ideas for the minimap. When these modes are active it changes the minimap as follows:

-Terrain Map Mode: All pixels on the minimap change to a different colour for each of the different terrians (IE. Hills, plains, mountains, water ETc.) A red line differantiates the country borders so you can tell which terrain is in which country

-Resource Map Mode: All pixels on the minimap change to a different colour for each known resource. (EG. Sheep, Grain, Coal, Wood, Water, ETC) A red line differantiates the border so you can tell which resource is in which country

-Country Map Mode: The current minimap mode so people can change back

-Mini-map zoom in: Give the ability to zoom in on the minimap. That means 2 buttons with + and - on them as well as the ability to mouse wheel zoom if your pointer is in the mini map area

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:45 pm
by Trilarion
I moved the topic to the graphics section because it is about graphics design, not about game rules.

Yes I like the idea and it was planned like this. One could also incorporate some of the diplomatic maps from the original. That could be relations to the neighbours, militaric garnison strengths.

Additional features could be rivers or capitals marked.

Anyway an essential feature is how the minimaps displays the tiles. Again here some clever smoothing or shading might give nice effects, while otherwise the pixelation will make the minimap boring. So far we have two views in the current version: political and terrain.