I have more progress to report. The engine now supports displaying an overview map when selecting a scenario to play:
- scenario_screenshot.png (51.44 KiB) Viewed 5716 times
Other than the Restoration of Europe scenario, the others are not necessarily going to be actually kept (it is important to have multiple scenarios at this stage to test the scenario setup functionality).
As you can see, data for provinces in Italy, Spain, Congress Poland and Switzerland has been added now. Country province ownership for a scenario is determined by a history database, so that defining a new scenario can be as simple as determining a start date for it. Here is an example of a province definition:
Code: Select all
warsaw = {
name = "Warsaw"
color = { 65 97 160 }
capital_settlement = warsaw
history = {
1477 = {
owner = poland #part of the Kingdom of Poland c. 1477; Source: William R. Shepherd, "Historical Atlas", 1911, pp. 86-87.
1815 = {
owner = russia #part of the Russian Empire in 1815; Source: William R. Shepherd, "Historical Atlas", 1911, pp. 158-159.
Everything in the "history" field is applied when a scenario is set up, with what is applied depending on the scenario's chosen start date.
As a further note, even though the province map has the whole world depicted in it, it's only possible to see a part of it in the scenario map (the map is scrollable). The map for scenarios set in the real world is 1024x512 tiles, and each tile is depicted as a 2x2 pixel area on the scenario, so that the depicted scenario map is 2048x1024. The space for displaying the map is 1024x512, hence why only a part of it can be seen at any given time. But at any rate, it's possible to see most or all of any of the continents on the map at a single time.
You may also have noticed that I made the Portugal, the Netherlands and Spain (as well as Sweden, but it is not visible on the map yet) great powers. This is for three reasons: first, I wanted country types (great power, minor nation or tribe) to be fixed per country, and those countries are great powers in earlier start dates; since great powers can't become minor nations and vice-versa in the course of a game, it feels more consistent for them to not change in status between scenarios. Second, Portugal, Spain and the Netherlands all had substantial colonial territories in the 19th century, so that the great power gameplay fits them better, even though they were no longer great powers in the real world sense. And third, these are countries which are interesting to play in the 19th century, and which have a realistic shot at becoming one of the stronger powers.
Flavor-wise it would be weird to have so many "great powers" in the game, though. So I am intending to make only the powers ranking 7-8 in score to be termed "great powers" in the game, while the powers ranking lower than that would be termed "secondary powers". This would be a purely cosmetic difference, however.
For random maps, the intention is to keep the traditional amount of powers (i.e. 7). And the idea is to have the map size for random maps to be configurable, with the player being able to choose from the following sizes: Small (128x64) (this is similar to the map size in Imperialism), Normal (256x128), Large (512x256) and Huge (1024x512).