Hi Anybody,
I have the above second version which I am still enjoying, so much so that it prompted me to search the web to see if there was a sequel, so here I am.
I assume your just trying to update the original version but will there be any trace of or influence from the published sequel above, or does that involve copyright issues and costs ?
I am playing the above game at the minute so I have not downloaded your current remake, but think I probably will get around to it in a few days and try it out, although would like some acknowledgement whether you're in Alpha or Beta stages
Regards, Schaefespeare.
we are even before alpha. The current state is more a technology demo than a playable game, but I'm working on it at the very moment.
Directly taking artwork from Imperialism II is forbidden by copyright, I think. But taking ideas from it however is possible. If you have any special ideas you think are worthy to be included just say them. I aim at recreating the feel of Imperialism I with a firm historical setting in the age of industrialization. Imperialism II was before that and a bit different. But it wasn't a bad game.
A possible remake of Imperialism II is probably a topic for a conversion mod lateron or for another project.
Sorry I don't really have any skills to contribute to the project, unless you're at a stage where you need a game-play tester, although perhaps feedback is required at all stages of development.
Presumably you're aiming for Windows 7/8 and DX10 compatibility, which I'm wondering if the re-release of the Original "Imperialism" has. If it has such compatibility [well at least DX9] then I'll probably buy it to see what you're aiming for as well as hopefully having another enjoyable game in my collection.
Schaefespeare wrote:...
Sorry I don't really have any skills to contribute to the project, unless you're at a stage where you need a game-play tester, although perhaps feedback is required at all stages of development.
Presumably you're aiming for Windows 7/8 and DX10 compatibility, which I'm wondering if the re-release of the Original "Imperialism" has. If it has such compatibility [well at least DX9] then I'll probably buy it to see what you're aiming for as well as hopefully having another enjoyable game in my collection. ...
Don't worry. I'm glad about every help. And if we are at the stage where we need more game-play testing then you will be able to contribute alot.
The remake of the original is safe in this regard as far as I know. Just buy it (or Imperialism II) too from GOG when they have a sale (50% discount is the typical value) and have fun. I occasionally play the original to not loose the feel of what the original was like.